Category: Social Distancing

Coronavirus: Johnson threatens stricter measures if people flout social distancing rules

Boris Johnson has threatened to introduce stricter measures if people do not adhere to the government’s advice on social distances.

Can controlled 'herd immunity' be an alternative to social distancing? | Coronavirus Analysis

In some European countries, there are ongoing discussions about what measures to introduce and when. Some countries are focusing on

Boris Johnson urges public to follow coronavirus social distancing advice | ITV News

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said social distancing is “absolutely critical” but added the government “will bring forward further measures” if

Coronavirus: People must follow social distancing rules

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says people must follow the government’s social distancing guidelines, but added that NHS underfunding will

How countries are dealing with Coronavirus: lockdowns, social distancing, testing and herd immunity

With the UK becoming the latest country to do so – and with a fifth of the world in lockdown

Coronavirus: Distancing? What social distancing?

We were supposed to stay at home this weekend. But instead, thousands flocked to open spaces, making a mockery of

Dr. Agus on coronavirus pandemic: Social distancing "is starting to work"

The U.S. has reached a grim milestone with over 1000 dead because of the coronavirus pandemic, as Dr. Anthony Fauci

Trump gives coronavirus update: "We commit to social distancing"

During a coronavirus task force update Wednesday night, President Trump outlined the emergency declarations he has approved for New York,

Coronavirus outbreak: How long social distancing could last

In a matter of weeks, the novel coronavirus has changed life as we know it. Communities across the globe are

Egypt joins in prayer from balconies amid social distancing for coronavirus outbreak | ABC News

People in Alexandria, Egypt, joined together in prayer from their balconies, as they practiced social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus: What is social distancing? – BBC News

Governments around the world are advising people to socially distance themselves in order to reduce pressures on health services and

Coronavirus outbreak: 'Enough in enough' Trudeau tells Canadians who are flouting social distancing

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is no tolerance for those flouting orders to socially distance from others in an